O. C. Metro Patrol is a full service Security Company that has been proudly serving the Communities of Orange County since 1988.
The hardworking and dedicated team of staff members who provide the structural background of our company believe in the Community Policing philosophy of providing High Visibility and Proactive Security services combined with Knowledge, Professionalism and Integrity to the clients in which we serve.
We believe these proven methods provide results that benefit not only our Clients but the Community as well.
1988 * Celebrating 25 Years of Excellence * 2013 |
When it comes to Security we take our Business Seriously, there's no doubt that Security is one of the most important aspect of all our Personal, Professional and Global lives. When you choose O. C. Metro Patrol as your Security provider, your Problems, Issues and Concerns become ours and as such we strive to address and resolve each.
At O. C. Metro Patrol, Problem Solving is our number one Goal. Our Partnerships with our Clients enable us to work together as a Team to reach those Goals which results in Proven Success!!